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Ways How Web Design Impact the Overall Search Rankings of a Site

· web design Melbourne,Search Rankings,Web Design Impact,website design melbo,web design
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The website is the gateway for the customers to get familiar with the offerings of the company. Thus, it is important to give enough priority to the concept of web design to make it more user-friendly as well as search engine friendly. A web designed uniquely can create unique results when promoted on the SERPs.

Be it a brochure site including a couple of pages or it is a corporate site with hundreds of dynamically generated pages, it is important for every website to follow certain designing aspects for making the best use of the SEO campaign.

In this post, I will talk about the facts of how the design of a website impacts the overall search ranking of the site. It mainly talks about the ways that every web designer should integrate into the web design process to make it successful.

  1. Augment the Loading Speed of the Website

Search engine giant Google along with many others are very considerate about the loading speed of the website. Google has made it clear in their ranking algorithm that loading speed plays an important role in allotting ranking in SERPs.

A website with quick loading speed always offer an excellent user experience and not to mention when there is satisfying UX; it leads to higher ROI. Google is very clear in terms of the speed, so make it mandatory to make it quick enough to match with the latest standards.

Few tips

  • Keep updating the scripts
  • Stop using heavy images
  • Get rid of flash as well as unwanted plugins
  1. Structure of the Site

Having a logical structure of the site will guarantee a positive experience for the customers. But it is highly unfortunate that most of the web developers oversee this crucial aspect. Professional agencies offering web design Melbourne as well as in other location also ensure that visitors can easily move from one page to another and in a logical manner.

This also smoothens the way for the search engine crawlers. In case of improper or poor site structure, users will bounce back, and Google is always having a close look at the same. So, this might hamper the ranking of the site.

  1. Get Rid of the Frames

Stop using frames because they are a thing of the 90s and are completely irrelevant to modern trends in web designing. In most of the cases, the search engines indexing the site through frame are most likely to frown upon them.

Whatsoever may be the purpose, web designers are trying to accomplish, they can now execute the same using PHP of even CSS style (cascading style sheets). Another issue is that certain browsers are not compatible with the frames. Thus users might miss out on the opportunity to encounter with the site.

Web designers should be very clear back in their mind that a complex website is not appealing to the customers. The easier and simpler the site will be to use, the more beneficial it will be for the business owner. Having an intuitive structure for the site along with easy navigation as well as the proper use of images will also help in boosting the SEO of the site. In case of any query or suggestion, please feel free to get in touch with us below in the comment section.